Friday, December 31, 2010

Triumphs and Tears

This has been a great year. We welcomed Charlotte Faith into the family on February 17th. She is a precious baby and a giggle machine. We are so thankful for her as she brightens our days in so many ways.

Katherine and Elizabeth are enjoying their new school. Providence Classical Academy is helping them gain a biblical perspective of learning and wisdom. Katherine is memorizing the first chapter of the Book of John. Elizabeth is studying the Book of James and Jude. God is allowing them and their new friends to grow in strength and wisdom through Christ.

Rebecca is having a tough time. Yesterday, Susan took her to Shriner's in Shreveport. Because of the danger of her hips popping out of socket, they placed casts on both of her legs from the knee down. This will help her feet and ankles from becoming too deformed from non use. She is being so stong through this hard time and really reveals to us a perserverance in God's love. We have cried and prayed, but all with a hope of her healing.

It is amazing how God has revealed himself to us during this time. Yesterday, Susan left Shriners and had to stop to get gas before going to the pharmacy. I cannot imagine what a horrible morning that was, looking at xrays of Rebecca's hip and seeing that her constant seizures are causing her muscles to tighten and gradually pull her hip out of socket. Watching as they held her down to place the casts on her feet. Knowing that Rebecca hates to be restrained in any way. But, as Susan entered the van after getting gas, just her and Rebecca, KLOVE randomly played " Praise you in this Storm." A song that has really been our response to this trail we are in.

Looking back over these last three and a half years, I know that Satan wanted to use this trial to ruin our family, our marriage and our children and basically render Susan and I ineffective in our Christian walk. I rejoice daily that God gave us the opportunity to lean on Him when our wisdom and strength was depleted so that He could sustain us and get the Glory for this time. I am also glad that we as a family knew to call upon Him to give us the strength necessary to Praise Him in this Storm. He is the provider of the strength necessary to perfect His will.
We covet your prayers for Rebecca and thank you in advance for contining to pray for her.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Rebecca's 3rd Birthday is on the 25th.

Its hard to fathom that Rebecca has been fighting for three years. She has constant seizures and the pain is overwhemling. I spent a few extra hours with her this morning- trying to modify her chair so that she would be comfortable-- cannot wait for God to remove these seizures from her. He understands the pain of watching your child suffer, because He saw His Son beaten and crucified. I am in constant awe that God has given us the grace and strength to endure and prosper during this time. He has held us together and kept us at peace.

I long for the day that I will see her run the bases in that softball field in heaven, cheer as she swims a lap, teach her to fish, listen to her play the piano, or help her draw. Can't wait to see her smile for the first time-- hear her laugh-- her giggle --- her voice. Can't wait to walk with her and hold her hand and just visit. But for God's promise of Heaven and eternal life, I would have no Hope.

But is it really that bad that the very first thing she will see with her eyes will be our Savior? That her first words will be spoken in Heaven and will be "Holy is the Lamb!" That Jesus will tell her to see and walk and she will. That God will erase the pain of this world from her memory bank.

Sometimes I wonder if she won't know I love her till then. I talk to her like the eternal being that she is--one that I will recognize in eternity. Job, after losing all he had including his children said " Naked I came from my mother's womb and naked I will depart, The LORD has given and The LORD has taken away, may the name of The LORD be praised." We should praise God in these storms, because our turning to praise is the evidence of movement towards the ultimate end result of our salvation--becoming like Christ. This is what it feels like to be loved by God-- the comfort provided when this world strikes at the heart of what you love most--when Heaven has to be real or the suffering of this world makes no sense. That God's provisions of love and grace will satisfy the hungry heart that longs for still waters. When an examination of the facts of your life provide enough circumstantial evidence to reveal beyond all doubt that God's intent it to hold on to you in the storm. He is in the boat and ready to calm the storm--by revealing His authority over it.

God provides wisdom to those who seek it and fear Him. He provides comfort to His flock. He provides redemption to the surrendered and comfort to those in need. The comfort He provides is in the form of a deeper understanding of the rescue that will occur when He returns or calls each of us home.

Please take a minute on April 25, 2010 and pray for our family. We need your prayers.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Rebecca Pictures

Since I am in the blogging mood today, I thought I would share some pictures of Rebecca from the Fall. I hope you enjoy!

Gatti Girls all together

Success! A picture of all four girls togeter . . . and no one was hurt while all pretended to be comfortable and happy.

Hospital Pictures

Thanks to our friend Kristin who can take a pillow, hospital sofa, and window to create these images at 3 days of age!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Charlotte Faith Gatti

February 17, 2010

Charlotte has brought more joy and peace to our lives. She is an alert and happy little girl. Dr. Kerry Tynes is a wonderful doctor and really helped us through this anxious and difficult time.

Susan and Charlotte are doing great. We are really enjoying this time. Katherine and Elizabeth love their sister and really enjoy holding her and playing with her. Rebecca is so calm when we place Charlotte next to her. Charlotte seems to like it too.

Thanks for all the prayers and know that we could feel your prayers during the last few months. God is good and is love is everlasting.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


We go in tomorrow morning for a C-section. We ask for your prayers. We are completely relying on God. Can't find words to express the depth of calm that our faith in God provides. Thanks in advance for your prayers.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Update and Katherine's Story

Thanks for all the continued Prayers. We are expecting our fourth child in the next few days or weeks. We don't know the gender, but we are happy and excited. I almost caved last week during an ultrasound, but Susan reminded me that WE decided WE would not find out--and yes, I turned in my man card a few years ago. If we have another girl, then I most likely will be moving into my closet for the next 18 years. Please keep us in your prayers.

Rebecca is almost three and her condition has not changed much. She has developed some new seizures and we are giving her a new medicine. We thank God each day for our great doctors who are watching over her. We rely more on God each day to guide us and He continues to give us the troubled grace that we need to get through each day. Enough anesthetic that we don't feel the full pain, but no so much that we cannot feel the pain and draw closer to him as a result of it.

Katherine recently wrote a non-fiction essay that won a regional competition. She qualified for the State Young Authors Contest. Many of you have said that God would use our experience to help others, and this story seems to show that. It is amazing how God has used this to help our fourth grader share something that is so close to her heart, to write unassisted and convey a deep feeling. I wish I could say I helped her, but we didn't. Here it is:

My Sister, Rebecca By Katherine Gatti

Before I tell my story, I want to say that this story shouldn’t make you cry, it should make you happy.

People look at SpecialEd kids different. Why, because they’re in a wheelchair? Do people treat you different because of your skin color? Did you choose your skin color? No. Do people get to choose if they have a brain injury? No. So why do people treat them different? But those people have feelings just like we do, and they should be treated equally. So, here is my story.

My family was in the hospital waiting for my new little sister. I was so excited, interviewing everybody with a video camera! It was getting late so my mom’s friend took care of us at home that night. The best surprise was right around the corner the next morning! Our dad was waiting for us, and we were anxious to find out if mom had the baby yet. We found out her name was Rebecca Leigh Gatti. We kept throwing questions at him like, “Who would get to hold her first?”

Then came the bomb. My dad said, ”Girls, your little sister has something wrong with her brain. They had to cut open mommy’s stomach to get the baby out. Mommy and Rebecca will have to stay in the hospital for a while. Rebecca is going to be sick when she comes home. But don’t worry. Everything will be fine.” Neither my sister nor I really understood, we thought, ”Hey, she has a cold, no big deal. She’ll get over it.”

Then my dad asked if we wanted to go to see Mom and Rebecca, and we sure did. You know when a kid asks every couple of minutes, ”Are we there yet? How much longer?“ That was exactly what my sister and I were doing.

We got to meet Rebecca at the hospital. It was love at first sight. What I realized as I spent more time with her was how beautiful and wonderful she is. She can’t really control her muscles that tighten up and has more seizures than you can count. Rebecca is blind and will not be able to walk. She had surgery to place a feeding tube in her stomach so she doesn’t have to take medicine through her mouth anymore.

Everyone says Rebecca likes me the most. She lets me do things to her that she won’t let anyone else do. She could be screaming bloody murder in my dad’s arms and be showing off her dimples the second she’s in mine. I dance around with her in my arms and we touch noses.

I love Rebecca with all my heart, and I don’t know what I’d do without her. You should appreciate that you have a working brain and the ability to use it. So why don’t you? I hope you treat people better and judge them by their characteristics instead of what they look and sound like. You can make a difference.