Friday, June 29, 2007

For your enjoyment - Elizabeth reminding me to smell the flowers & Rebecca looking fabulous at 7 weeks old.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Lessons from a 7-year old

As my Katherine was taking care of her mother and her baby sister, she shared her insight with me. She told me that we do not deserve such a wonderful gift. Katherine said that we make so many mistakes and sin so much that it is amazing God would give us a beautiful baby girl. We can all gain some perspective from the God-given wisdom of a child.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Daddy Gatti

Although this blog is titled the "Gatti Girls," we would not be the quad that we are without our amazing father. The primary responsibility of a father is to lead their family to know the Heavenly Father. What a blessing to have three girls who will be exposed daily by their earthly father to their Heavenly Father. Three girls to draw Bible stories with during breakfast, to discuss Biblical truths together, to admire the sky God painted together, to pray with and more. I never stop being amazed at the creative ways he brings Christian teaching before our girls. Happy Father's Day to our best friend and our role model. We love you.

"Dear father you are the best father in the whole world." Love, Elizabeth
"Dad, you're the best father any girl could ever have. Hope you have the best Father's Day ever. I love you." Love, Katherine
"Dear Dad, you make us smile. Thank you for making my bo-bo better, for making muffins this morning, and for the date." Love, Katherine and Elizabeth

Saturday, June 16, 2007


So often God bestows blessings on us all so freely that we take them for granted. For example, we take for granted that our children will be delivered into this world healthy and rather uneventfully. We take for granted that we will be able to hold our child after their birth. We take for granted we will be able to introduce siblings to their baby shortly after their birth. The examples are endless, as are the lessons that this experience and my children are likely to teach me. I will no longer take my children's health for granted. I will do my best to appreciate every smile, every touch, every word from my children - and so much more, in the good moments as well as the bad.

My Rebecca is one of many examples of God's miracles of healing. Only God can restore her health completely, and I fully believe in His power to do just that. He knitted her together in my womb and is the only One who can restore her. Her life was saved for a purpose. It has already demanded the faith of her family that God is in control.

The pictures are just a small example of the blessings that have been bestowed upon our family as a result of God's grace. When my baby was taken from my being, she was without life. While I heard the physician's words, "Oh My Lord," and I did not hear the sound of my baby, only one thought brought me solace - GOD IS IN CONTROL. God chose to heal her, to allow her sisters the opportunity to hold her hand, and to bless her family with her homecoming. There are many unanswered questions left, and we remain in a place of faith. I am more appreciative than words can express that I have an almighty and merciful God in which to place my faith in rather than the things of this flawed world. I pray that each of you can recognize and appreciate all the blessings, big and small, that God has provided to you. Mostly, I pray that each of us can take solace in the fact that God is in control.


I always knew that photographs captured memories. I recently noticed that they capture more than just the memories you have, but also the moments you missed along the way. Moments are precious, and your interpretation of them varies based on your perspective. Through a priceless gift I have been made aware of this. Notice in these photographs several things:

  • the personality of a child only 2 weeks of age -- boredom, discomfort, curiousity, contentment, . . .
  • the look of myself and my child feeling the blessing of grace that allowed us to be home together for the first time

To my incredible friend - thank you for providing me with the memories of these precious, irreplaceable moments.