Today is Rebecca's 5th Birthday. She is a strong fighter and has really struggled these last few years. We love her and we are blessed by all the family and friends that love her.
I just realized we haven't posted anything since last year. Many of the doctor's never thought Rebecca would make it to her fifth birthday. She is getting taller, but still only weighs about twenty pounds. We thought she would need hip surgery a few months ago because the xrays revealed that her hips were out of socket. They were gradually coming out of socket because her seizures cause her legs to cross at the knee and the force pulls her hips out. So after thousands of seizures the inevitable happened. This did not cause pain, because she does not walk. After much prayer we decided not to do the surgery, because it would have required her to be in body cast for 6-8 weeks. Also, she is so weak she may not have made it through the surgery or recovery and if she did she would have been in complete pain. Since she is not weight bearing and will not walk, the surgery was not really necessary.
Her seizures are a little more violent and frequent, but she handles them like a champ.
Katherine and Elizabeth are playing the piano like pros. They are at the point that I cannot help them and have been there since after the third lesson many years ago. Mrs. Holbert is a great instructor and a blessing. Katherine is dancing at Vicki's (another fine family that is a blessing to us) and is a Cheerleader at Providence Classical Academy. Elizabeth is also dancing and plays softball. She hits first or second because she always gets on base and plays second. Neither has made a B yet on a report card. Much better students than I ever was.
Charlotte turned two and she is running the house. She has two dogs and four ducks, well now three (don't ask.) The ducks have Latin names- cause that's how we roll. Katherine and Elizabeth have taught Charlotte most of the alphabet and she is already sarcastic.
Susan is the assistant principal at Providence Classical Academy and teaches Latin and Advanced Math. She loves her co-workers and staff. They are such a great group of Christian leaders. The school has really been a blessing to us because we need an environment that is equipped to nurture the spiritual side of our kids as they struggle. The academics are rigorous, but the focus is on God. The people at PCA have been a huge blessing this last year.
I am head chauffeur. I spend most of the days in car lines. I feel the pressure of a World War II paratrooper pilot in each car line only putting my foot on the break long enough to drop off the cargo and then moving on. "Backpack" "Check""Lunch" "Check" "Dance Clothes" "Check" "Check"--- "GO GO GO." I think every SUV should come standard with a red/green jump light above each passenger door to make the car line more efficient.
Last year's every Thursday Chapel, turned into an everyday middle school chapel this school year. This is truly the highlight of my day. The middle schoolers at PCA really love God and want to know more about Him. We start everyday with a 30 minute chapel lesson that challenges them. This has been a blessing to me. About two weeks into the school year I asked said" Look, I can't cover everything in 30 minutes. If I bring some donuts and milk, then how many of you would come to school thirty minutes earlier on Tuesdays and Thursday to have a Bible Club?" The next Tuesday, they ALL showed up and brought their little brothers and sisters. What an amazing group of young men and women. I like to think the donuts are only part of the reason they come.
Mike Riddle from Answers in Genesis spoke at one Chapel time a few months ago. He asked questions and drilled our students. When he left he looked me in the eye and said "Ryan, I cannot believe how much those kids know about Genesis Chapters 1-11. Its remarkable." I responded "They get it everyday from their teachers. Isn't is amazing."
When Susan resigned from the Health Science Center after we realized how bad Rebecca's illness was, she said "I'll never be able to work anywhere again unless it is a Christian environment." Not knocking her job, but feeling a need to make an impact for God in an environment that showed Him His full due respect. Of course, my reaction was "I agree," but I was thinking "Where in the world is a PhD Psychologist going to get a job where God is honored." A few years later God provided PCA as an opportunity for Susan to work in a Christian environment and use her doctorate. This is an environment where God is honored and given His full respect. He is not an accessory He is the centerpiece.
It is hard to believe that five years have passed since that awful night, that awful storm in our life. Where I almost lost the love of my life and my baby girl. But God has seen us through it. He carries us each day. He draws us near to him and continues to transform us as He reveals more of Himself to us. I remember times that I have been in sadness over Rebecca, pushing meds through her tube or holding her through a seizure and screams and the Prince of Darkness coaxes me to a content sadness. It is those times that we draw near to God and sometimes He does not say a word. That silence used to bother me. Recently, I heard something that gave me comfort. Does a teacher talk when they are giving a test? No, because if they did, they would not be a good teacher. Telling an answer during a test results in a false awareness for the student. It is not right. So the teacher stays quiet until the end of the test and then gives the honest results. So, God is silent during our struggles because He is the great teacher, once the test is over, HE will let us know how we did. He will give us an honest account so we can know where we are and what corrections need to be made.
Thank you for your continued prayers. We need them now more than ever.