Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Secret Truth

I am now more terrified because not only has Ryan informed others about this site, but it also appears that people are reading it. Thank you for your compliments. Please know that I may not always respond appropriately to them. My verbal abilities have always been questionable. What I want to convey is that it is not by my vision that I am able to see things clearly or by my strength that I am standing. It is God and God alone. Do not be convinced that I am always in a clear mind or strong either. For each day I ask God for the strength and wisdom to make it through the day (as well as anything else He knows I may need).

What I am about to share may have you convinced that I need to be institutionalized or convinced that God revealed a secret truth to me. I am hoping it is the latter. The other day I was watching the typical lives of those around me continuing as usual. I was alone with Rebecca at that moment. God revealed a secret to me that was too amazing to keep to myself and too mysterious for words to describe. I believe that He intended it to be too difficult to convey with words so that He alone has the power to reveal the truth in His perfect timing to each of us. I will do my best to describe it for you. It had something to do with the nothingness with which we consume ourselves and the temporary nature of this life. It had to do with the beauty of His grace and His eternity. For this life is not intended to be about us but about our Creator. What we do has eternal meaning only to the extent that it brings glory to God. I pray that each of you who reads this may also experience this secret truth that was revealed to me.


Larry Scott said...

Yes, many of us are using this as a way to keep up with Rebecca's progress.No, you don't sound "creepy", God works in mysterious ways and we all do not hear that still small voice every time He speaks to us.

My mother and her three sisters, Uncle Murray's sisters,were the original "Gatti girls". It is good that there are still Gatti girls for the world to have to cope with.

Tina Theodos said...

Hi, Gattis! Susan, your words have touched me profoundly. I do believe that through trying, difficult times such as these, God is able to teach us His most valuable lessons. He certainly puts "angels" in our paths to sustain us, comfort us, and teach us. We know that God is in control of ALL things. He has already healed sweet Rebecca in so many important ways, and I know that He has more blessings in store for all of you. Please know that you all are never far from my heart, thoughts, and prayers. We love you!
Tina Theodos