Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Happy Birthday Grandfathers!
Dear Pops,
Love you Pops. I love you so much Pops around the earth and to the planets. I love how you are my best friend. Happy Birthday from Elizabeth.
Happy Birthday Pops! Hope you have the best birthday! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love Katherine!
Whaaa! Ehh, ooh. Love Rebecca
Thank you for loving us. We are honored to have you as our very own Pops. What a blessing! Did we mention that it is your 20th anniversary of your 50th birthday to the world yet! Oh well, you may not notice now that you are 70 YEARS OLD! Love, The Gatti Girls
Dear Poppy,
I love you Poppy. I love you so much. Happy Birthday! Love, Elizabeth (who wants to go watch Hannah Montana now)
Happy Birthday Poppy! I hope you had the best birthday ever! Your party was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Katherine
Whaa, ehh, ooh! Love, Rebecca
Poppy, thanks for being our grandfather. You are always there when we need a prayer. If only every girl could have a Poppy to sit by her side! What a blessing to have a grandfather who loves us! Happy Birthday, the Gatti Girls.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
God's Understanding
I am NOT skilled to understand what has happened to my family. I have often cried and repeatedly stated that I do not understand. Each time I come to the same conclusion: I do not have to understand because God does. Some comments from others and thoughts from my own head have questioned the timing of Rebecca's birth. Some statements have even questioned her revival in fear of a difficult life. Many remarks have noted nothing was wrong prior to that night. Please remember that it is not our place to question God's plan for our lives or the lives of those we love. His understanding is perfect. I believe that when I am seated next to my Heavenly Father He will have some "videos" prepared for me. One will demonstrate what my life and the life of my family would have been like if Rebecca's birth had occurred without complication - the other if Rebecca had not survived. Perhaps only then will I completely understand why she has had to endure the pain and suffering she has. Until that time, I trust that God knows best and remains in control. He will sustain my family and carry out His plan according to His good and perfect will.
School Begins
Welcome to the day Katherine started school. Much to our amazement, our oldest baby started 2nd grade! Rebecca looked around for sources of entertainment. Katherine had left for school, and Elizabeth was sleeping off a respiratory infection. Rebecca was not happy with the result - only a mom to entertain. Fortunately her sister arrived home after not too long and saved her. To add insult to injury, I had to go back to work this week, and Elizabeth begins preschool after Labor Day. Preschool can begin for Elizabeth because she accomplished her summer goal - swimming independently across the pool!