Friday, August 31, 2007


I cannot count the number of times that others or myself have made the following statement: "How could people have directly seen Jesus perform miracles and then doubt and lack faith?" Given recent experiences, I have been forced to ask whether we are any different. My evidence lies in the beautiful blue eyes above. Not only did non-blue-eyed parents contribute to her genetics, but she is now 4 months old. It is by God's grace alone that she has been spared. So many miracles have occurred on her behalf in such a short time period, yet some assume the worst outcome possible for her as a foregone conclusion. This assumption leaves no room for the possibility of continued miracles in spite of evidence to the contrary. Rebecca is doing very well. She started to take a bottle so well that we decided to begin nursing again. This has been a blessing for us both. This, in combination with her recovery from the upper respiratory infection, has resulted in her being much more content. She has also begun to talk to her sister and myself. Rebecca even manages a partial smile as we smile at her. She also enjoys pushing up off her loved ones and supporting her weight on her elbows. She had her follow-up visit to neurology in Dallas where we learned that her head circumference had not changed in two months, which suggests that her brain is not growing at an acceptable rate. So, prayer warriors out there can continue to pray for the healing and appropriate development and recovery of her brain. We have already seen some growth in her circumference since the visit. Thank you all for your ongoing prayers and support.

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