Friday, December 14, 2007

Naughty or Nice List

As the cousins gathered at their Nana & Pop's house for a Christmas card picture, a knock sounded at the door. The sarcastic children declare, "It's Santa Claus." Much to their surprise it was Santa Claus himself! He came through the front door for fear of a fire and had many stories to entertain about his reindeer and Mrs. Claus. However, the most interesting stories were those he had for each of the fair cousins. He seemed to know each of them by name, as well as their good - and bad - deeds! It was all laughter as he called them each out and declared their areas for improvement. It seemed to have occurred in a flash when Mrs. Claus called the house to summon him home and reprimand him for his lateness. After he left, the children gathered for one more group picture, and they each had the strangest expression on their face (except Rebecca, who slept through it all). These children were not excited, but scared to death. How on earth could they ever make the good list if he really did know them?
This calls to question a thought for us all as we celebrate the birth of Christ Jesus. Let us all take the time to reflect that we will have to answer one day for all we have done. I expect not one of us will be blameless. The birth of Jesus Christ led to the sacrifice of the one without fault, for you. It is only through him that we will ever make the nice list. Take a minute to reflect, for there is much more at stake than a present on Christmas morn. There is eternity to consider. What will your response be when your imperfections are brought to judgement?

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