Monday, December 17, 2007
Award Winning Poem
Merry people
Exciting carolers
Really special holiday
Ready to open presents
You better go to sleep on Christmas Eve!
Christ Jesus was born.
Ho Ho Ho!
Interesting gifts
Snowflakes falling
Trust in God
Many surprises
A Secret Santa
Saint Nick
Katherine promises her daddy that it is a poem even if it does not rhyme.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Naughty or Nice List
All I Want for Christmas
Monday, November 26, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Dallas News
We returned home on Sunday from Dallas. I will do my best to inform you from the technical to the layman's lingo. Official terminology on the discharge papers is as follows: severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy with secondary infantile spasms, hypsarhythmia with intractable seizures, and severe developmental delay. Translation - before and after her birth Rebecca suffered from a lack of oxygen to her brain for an extended period of time. This resulted in a significant injury to her brain, which has resulted in a loss of structure to her brain overall and in critical areas, as well as a lack of appropriate brain growth. Her brain also has not developed much, if any, myelin sheath, which typically occurs by 6 months of age. This is what allows the electronic impulses to travel and allow the brain to communicate effectively with the rest of the body. Rebecca is now over 5 months old. This has resulted in a disorganized pattern of electronic impulses in her brain and the development of infantile spasms. This makes it difficult to differentiate what is seizures and what is involuntary muscle movement. In the neurologist's words - "The EEG could not look any worse." The pattern is typically associated with profound delays, which is what they predict for Rebecca. In their words, she may never sit up or crawl or do many basic things. Also, her seizure activity is likely to continue, and the medical professionals hope only to be able to make the level of activity to make it manageable for Rebecca. The delays are already evident. At one point, she was looking at us and tracking, but even these basic skills are no longer present. She is currently functioning as a baby of less than 1 month of age. However, the neurologists were surprised at the amount of brain matter left given her history, and she has done things that are unexpected. She has gained weight and tolerated feedings well.
To dismiss rumors - she is not in danger of dying. At one point in the hospital her seizures were severe and not stopping in spite of medication. During this time she received a great deal of medication that placed her at-risk to stop breathing as they loaded her and rescued her with several medications. This risk has passed.
The good news - Rebecca remains in God's hands. Only He knows what He has planned for her life. Someone who loves Rebecca very much reminded the doctors (who were telling us that everything happens for a reason) that everyone has two main purposes in life: to love/serve God and to take as many people with you to heaven as possible. Rebecca is already fulfilling her purpose. If she or her sisters have touched your life in a special way, please leave a comment that I can share with them to help them gain a more complete understanding of the true purpose of living. If you do not want me to post it, then I will keep it personal and strictly for the girls eyes upon request. Thank you for your continued prayer and support.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Thursday Pm
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Rebecca Update: Wednesday 3 pm
Please Continue To Pray
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Prayer Request
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Thought for the Day
I hope to live in appreciation of what I have been blessed with rather than spend my time focusing on what I do not have.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Nana's Birthday & the Unexpected Guest
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Happy Birthday Grandfathers!
Dear Pops,
Love you Pops. I love you so much Pops around the earth and to the planets. I love how you are my best friend. Happy Birthday from Elizabeth.
Happy Birthday Pops! Hope you have the best birthday! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love Katherine!
Whaaa! Ehh, ooh. Love Rebecca
Thank you for loving us. We are honored to have you as our very own Pops. What a blessing! Did we mention that it is your 20th anniversary of your 50th birthday to the world yet! Oh well, you may not notice now that you are 70 YEARS OLD! Love, The Gatti Girls
Dear Poppy,
I love you Poppy. I love you so much. Happy Birthday! Love, Elizabeth (who wants to go watch Hannah Montana now)
Happy Birthday Poppy! I hope you had the best birthday ever! Your party was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Katherine
Whaa, ehh, ooh! Love, Rebecca
Poppy, thanks for being our grandfather. You are always there when we need a prayer. If only every girl could have a Poppy to sit by her side! What a blessing to have a grandfather who loves us! Happy Birthday, the Gatti Girls.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
God's Understanding
I am NOT skilled to understand what has happened to my family. I have often cried and repeatedly stated that I do not understand. Each time I come to the same conclusion: I do not have to understand because God does. Some comments from others and thoughts from my own head have questioned the timing of Rebecca's birth. Some statements have even questioned her revival in fear of a difficult life. Many remarks have noted nothing was wrong prior to that night. Please remember that it is not our place to question God's plan for our lives or the lives of those we love. His understanding is perfect. I believe that when I am seated next to my Heavenly Father He will have some "videos" prepared for me. One will demonstrate what my life and the life of my family would have been like if Rebecca's birth had occurred without complication - the other if Rebecca had not survived. Perhaps only then will I completely understand why she has had to endure the pain and suffering she has. Until that time, I trust that God knows best and remains in control. He will sustain my family and carry out His plan according to His good and perfect will.
School Begins
Welcome to the day Katherine started school. Much to our amazement, our oldest baby started 2nd grade! Rebecca looked around for sources of entertainment. Katherine had left for school, and Elizabeth was sleeping off a respiratory infection. Rebecca was not happy with the result - only a mom to entertain. Fortunately her sister arrived home after not too long and saved her. To add insult to injury, I had to go back to work this week, and Elizabeth begins preschool after Labor Day. Preschool can begin for Elizabeth because she accomplished her summer goal - swimming independently across the pool!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
A Secret Truth
What I am about to share may have you convinced that I need to be institutionalized or convinced that God revealed a secret truth to me. I am hoping it is the latter. The other day I was watching the typical lives of those around me continuing as usual. I was alone with Rebecca at that moment. God revealed a secret to me that was too amazing to keep to myself and too mysterious for words to describe. I believe that He intended it to be too difficult to convey with words so that He alone has the power to reveal the truth in His perfect timing to each of us. I will do my best to describe it for you. It had something to do with the nothingness with which we consume ourselves and the temporary nature of this life. It had to do with the beauty of His grace and His eternity. For this life is not intended to be about us but about our Creator. What we do has eternal meaning only to the extent that it brings glory to God. I pray that each of you who reads this may also experience this secret truth that was revealed to me.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Placing Faith
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Lessons from a 7-year old
As my Katherine was taking care of her mother and her baby sister, she shared her insight with me. She told me that we do not deserve such a wonderful gift. Katherine said that we make so many mistakes and sin so much that it is amazing God would give us a beautiful baby girl. We can all gain some perspective from the God-given wisdom of a child.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Daddy Gatti
Saturday, June 16, 2007
- the personality of a child only 2 weeks of age -- boredom, discomfort, curiousity, contentment, . . .
- the look of myself and my child feeling the blessing of grace that allowed us to be home together for the first time
To my incredible friend - thank you for providing me with the memories of these precious, irreplaceable moments.